What is the difference between communication and notification?

Communication and notifications with AI - How and when should they be used and what is best for patients

Communicating and notifying patients on time and efficiently are among the most important processes in the patient-clinic relationship. Patients need to be aware of their healthcare journey at all times and should be provided with relevant, accurate, and important data and information. How this information is delivered to patients can …

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Clinics and Patients Retention - Strategies for Retaining Patients for Secondary Examinations

How AI can help clinics retain patients

person in green shirt wearing white mask

Photo: Irwan

When we take a look at today's healthcare landscape, we can see that patients often navigate through multiple clinics and healthcare providers when looking for different services. Whether this is because of the insurance instructing the patients to select specific clinics, or for example, patients not knowing that …

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Digital education - A necessary step to utilize the full advantage of AI in healthcare

Adopting new technologies in healthcare

MacBook Pro near white open book

Photo: Nick Morrison

Artificial Intelligence is an invaluable advantage when deployed in healthcare. However, to get its full benefits, proper implementation is needed. Digital education is crucial and therefore health centers need to promote programs and teachings regarding the fundamental understanding of AI machine learning and neural networks, as well …

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What percentage of costs can be reduced with INBOX and what indices of health center management does this service mainly impact?

Eniax INBOX for cost-effectiveness and health center management

white and red wooden house beside grey framed magnifying glass

Photo: Tierra Mallorca

With INBOX service, Eniax has achieved greater patient interaction through its virtual health assistant Patricia, a natural language processing engine, that now has the ability to receive questions and requests for scheduling appointments and exams, through different written digital channels. This, in turn, minimizes the need for …

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Why is INBOX a solution to Call Center problems, and also delivering better results at lower costs?

Eniax Inbox vs Traditional Call Centers Channels

blue and white logo guessing game

Photo: Brett Jordan

Call centers and their traditional means of communication have become synonymous with long waiting times, poor communication, and unsatisfied customers. With new technology and innovation, however, ways of fixing the existing problems with call centers are on the horizon. Much like in any other industry, communication with …

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How Eniax manages to keep a patient informed and committed to their treatment and consultations

Informing patients with NLP AI

laptop computer on glass-top table

Photo: Carlos Muza

The ways in which clinics are engaging patients and informing them about their healthcare journey are being revolutionized with the use of natural language processing AI such as Patricia provided by Eniax. Eniax uses several advantages brought by Patricia which allow clinics to actively and effectively inform …

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What aspects of the management of a medical center benefit the most from Eniax's technology?

AI technology and its benefits for healthcare centers

woman sitting at table

Photo: Campaign Creators

While there are numerous benefits of natural language processing AI technology such as Patricia by Eniax, there are certain aspects of the management of medical centers that benefit the most. In this article, we will examine how exactly AI impacts certain aspects of the management of medical …

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How can a patient be recognized, and what distinguishes a chatbot from an AI-powered virtual assistant designed for healthcare?

Chatbots vs Virtual Assistants

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Photo: Adem AY

In the healthcare sector that keeps going forward with digitalization, patient recognition as well as recognition between chatbots and virtual health assistants is crucial for personalized and effective care. Differentiating between chatbots and healthcare-focused virtual assistants relies on many different factors. Let's see some of the main …

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How can fluid, close, and decisive communication with the patient lead to better management and better rates for the medical center?

Personalized communication with patients

person holding white Android smartphone in white shirt

Photo: NordWood Themes

In a fast-developing world of technology, communication has become instant and very fluid. Healthcare systems are also working towards enabling fluid, close, but also decisive communication where patients can easily and accurately retrieve the information they require from their healthcare professionals. To achieve this, clinics have started …

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The benefits for the medical professional and the medical offer of the health center of having Patricia by Eniax

Patricia in Healthcare

person in blue white and red plaid long sleeve shirt reading book

Photo: Towfiqu barbhuiya

The healthcare industry is continually introducing new and innovative solutions through digitalization and technology. Natural language processing engines such as Patricia by Eniax have started revolutionizing the ways in which health clinics communicate with patients and provide their medical offers. This has brought many improvements and solutions …

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