What is Natural Language Processing (NLP), how it works, and what solutions it provides in AI communication systems

There have been many new innovations in the world of healthcare and many of them are directly connected to the expanding usage of artificial intelligence or AI for short. While the traditional use of AI in healthcare is not relatively new, technology such as natural language processing or NLP for short has allowed many new advancements to be made in the way AI is being implemented and used in healthcare. Let’s take a closer look at how NLP works and what it brings to the process of communication between clinics and patients.

Photo: Unsplash

Natural Language Processing AI – How it all works

To really understand how an NLP AI works, we need to look at the three essential elements it uses. NLP combines machine learning, deep learning models, and computational linguistics to understand human language. However, thanks to these elements, the AI …

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Which communication channel is best for which purpose (Inbound VS Outbound)

Different inbound and outbound communication channels in healthcare

Photo by: Solen Feyissa

A key component in establishing a successful health clinic is communication with patients. In the world of healthcare, both inbound and outbound communication channels exist and play an important part in establishing relationships between patients and clinics. However, each communication channel serves a different purpose and …

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Long Waiting Lists - Overcoming The Challange of Generating New Slots

Inability of hospitals to generate new slots for patients

person hand with silver-colored watch

Photo: 13on

The phenomenon of long waiting lists in healthcare is an issue that has been long present. The moment patient demand for care surpasses the available supply of resources, waiting times occur. The high waiting lists can significantly disrupt clinics and make it impossible to efficiently generate new slots …

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Clinics and Patients Retention - Strategies for Retaining Patients for Secondary Examinations

How AI can help clinics retain patients

person in green shirt wearing white mask

Photo: Irwan

When we take a look at today's healthcare landscape, we can see that patients often navigate through multiple clinics and healthcare providers when looking for different services. Whether this is because of the insurance instructing the patients to select specific clinics, or for example, patients not knowing that …

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Digital education - A necessary step to utilize the full advantage of AI in healthcare

Adopting new technologies in healthcare

MacBook Pro near white open book

Photo: Nick Morrison

Artificial Intelligence is an invaluable advantage when deployed in healthcare. However, to get its full benefits, proper implementation is needed. Digital education is crucial and therefore health centers need to promote programs and teachings regarding the fundamental understanding of AI machine learning and neural networks, as well …

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63% of Chileans point out that reducing waiting lists is one of the main actions to improve the health system

Reducing waiting lists in healthcare

man in black pants and pair of brown leather lace-up shoes sitting on brown carpeted stairs inside room

Photo: Ben White

A major problem in the modern world of healthcare has been long waiting times and influx of patients. The global health system fought against numerous difficulties during the global pandemic of 2020. The waiting times were one of the biggest issues worldwide. According to a survey by …

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Digital Transformation as An Invaluable Boost for Health

The increase of teleconsultations in healthcare

macbook pro displaying group of people

Photo: Chris

One of the most crucial aspects of the evolution and progress of digitalization in the world of healthcare has been teleconsultations. The pandemic in 2020 forced many health clinics, worldwide, to take a different approach in communication but also treatment of patients. It was in this period that …

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What percentage of costs can be reduced with INBOX and what indices of health center management does this service mainly impact?

Eniax INBOX for cost-effectiveness and health center management

white and red wooden house beside grey framed magnifying glass

Photo: Tierra Mallorca

With INBOX service, Eniax has achieved greater patient interaction through its virtual health assistant Patricia, a natural language processing engine, that now has the ability to receive questions and requests for scheduling appointments and exams, through different written digital channels. This, in turn, minimizes the need for …

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Why is INBOX a solution to Call Center problems, and also delivering better results at lower costs?

Eniax Inbox vs Traditional Call Centers Channels

blue and white logo guessing game

Photo: Brett Jordan

Call centers and their traditional means of communication have become synonymous with long waiting times, poor communication, and unsatisfied customers. With new technology and innovation, however, ways of fixing the existing problems with call centers are on the horizon. Much like in any other industry, communication with …

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How Eniax manages to keep a patient informed and committed to their treatment and consultations

Informing patients with NLP AI

laptop computer on glass-top table

Photo: Carlos Muza

The ways in which clinics are engaging patients and informing them about their healthcare journey are being revolutionized with the use of natural language processing AI such as Patricia provided by Eniax. Eniax uses several advantages brought by Patricia which allow clinics to actively and effectively inform …

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